Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Surprise gift

January 8, and I'm riding in shorts. Record setting weather today, and memorable because it's been too long since I've used my lunch hour to burn calories rather than gain calories.

Knowing that this freak weather day was a gift, I decided to squeeze in a couple of loops of Mass-Sangamore-Macarthur-Goldsboro. I had just over an hour to ride, and the added pressure of a big meeting in the early PM. At first it was just me and Scott from my office, but then the ride grew to a total of 6 as Brian, who works in our building joined us as we met with Kay and Mark who came over from VA. Just as we made the rendezvous on Mass, Eric joined us as well. Or should I say passed me as if I were standing still.

Unfortunately, impromptu group rides that are hemmed in by work or family obligations do not showcase the benefits of the "group ride". If someone flats or gets lost, there is reluctance to wait. Given the limited time, there is reluctance to schmooze and banter. Both were in evidence today, and the ride quickly splintered. Luckily we all understand this and it ain't nuthin but a thing. Regardless, it still beats the alternative, and it makes for an efficient little workout that is high on intensity and sets the table for a productive afternoon. Not much more to say other than getting dropped like a bad habit by Scott and Brian after we had left Kay and Eric to locate Mark. I chased to no avail but got in a decent workout. When we got back to the office one of our coworkers asked us where we parked the tandem. Good one!

So many thanks to my comrades who joined me on my little diversion, even though we didn't really ride together, we were together.


hfang said...

Our 12:30 group rounded the turn at Falls road/Great Falls and saw Kay and Eric standing by waiting... I think I saw someone else riding up MacArthur. I was wondering where the group went, however as you remarked it probably splintered up. I'm glad you had a chance to get out. It was a gorgeous day!

Frogman said...

Seems as if there are plenty of others out doing a noon time ride, whether it's Randy T, Ray Man, A. Fenty or Harry who NEVER gets out... Awesome how it feels to get a mid day workout in contrast to eating a meal after sitting on your butt all morning.