Thursday, January 3, 2008

Last ride of 2007/first ride of 2008

Today was the first day back at work for almost 2 weeks--something I haven't done in quite a long time.  I even lost track of the days...that's how vacation is supposed to be.  Even though I'm an optimist I tend to fret about the end of vacations when they're just beginning(i.e. "This time next week we'll be going home wah wah wah")

I figured that I could get some serious miles in on the Eddy but the influx of visitors and the visiting that we did gave my bike a chance to collect another fine layer of dust.  It was a great Christmas--my sister was in town from Ohio with her family; in-laws stayed with us a coupla days; Christmas was celebrated 3 times (Christmas Eve with my in-laws, Christmas morning with my family, and Christmas day with my extended family).  Mix in our 17th wedding anniversary in which 18 of us had a sumptuous Chinese feast at Hollywood East.  Sprinkle a few parties with friends and neighbors (and even the prologue New Year's Eve party at the bike shop) into the mix, including the weekend before New Year's, and we have a bona fide recipe for a memorable time.  

So I finally get back on the bike 2 days after Christmas after 3 weeks (mostly) off (since the last 'cross race)--3 weeks of don't even think about the bike time, and I've been on it for 8 straight days, both indoors and out.  Not too shabby, considering that inconsistency is the only consistent aspect of my "training" regimen.  Last ride of 2007 was virtually identical to the first ride of 2008--alone in Rock Creek Park, spinning a comfy gear, and just happy to be out.  I saw a few of my riding comrades, exchanged the good wishes, and kept on rolling.  Didn't go to the annual Hains Point New Year's Day mass gathering, but I got out anyway.

So that's what I will do.  Keep it mellow and consistent, and suddenly these 8 day stretches of riding won't be so irregular anymore.

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