Monday, April 7, 2008


After reading the post race posts and getting the obligatory ribbing from the boys about the no show, I regret not going out to Tyson's yesterday but at the time it was the right decision.  Looking back I don't think that my head would have been into it as I would've been preoccupied leaving my daughter home by herself.  She's responsible, but still... 

I just got her baseball schedule.  Yikes.  Now that the sucking sound of the spring sports vortex is getting louder, it's even more difficult to coordinate these here races with the various game schedules.  Maybe this is the year to hit Greenbelt more than, say, zero times.  I don't want to wait until 'cross season to pin a number on... 

The afterglow of the Caps vault into 3rd place was still warm through Sunday, during which the lack of racing (or riding) was an unexpected bounty of found time, which I used to straighten out the materialistic side of my cluttered life.   Speaking of found things, the ol' helmet, toe warmers, and un-crocs decided to make an appearance after hiding among the flotsam and jetsam of my abode.  Best hiding place goes to Helmet, who decided that he would reside in a wastebasket for a week and a half, hoping to get thrown out inadvertently, thus forcing his Owner to buy a new lid.  Devious plan failed.  The toe warmers figured they could hide among friends, like Osama in the rugged Pakistani mountains, and if only he could be found as easily as they were.  Sandals were in the closet.  Of course.

What a weekend.  Boy am I pooped.

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