Monday, December 17, 2007

Found time

A couple of weeks ago our friendly Verizon salesperson cheerfully asked us if we'd like to upgrade our DSL service at the office. Improved service. Faster speed. Why not? we said. What could possibly be the downside? Your equipment is compliant, they said. No prob, Bob.

We are now on our 4th day without any web based contact from our office. Our modem wasn't "compliant". Sure, we can use our dopey Blackberries and Treos to communicate, but the antisocial nature of these devices really gets under my skin (ed. note: I'm using one of these blasted devices to write this very post). I've gotta use this thing or even (gasp) the PHONE to communicate with other human beings.

The upside? All of those wasted moments spent "checking e-mail" are suddenly gone, like a cancelled meeting or a rescheduled deadline, revealing those priceless nuggets of irreplaceable found time. Kind of like the syrupy goodness of the liquified sugar at the bottom of a cafe cubano, or lying weightless in a hammock, or spinning a gear in the big ring, or sprinting headlong into a breaking wave, or walking onto a Metro train from the escalator into the car without breaking stride, or talking with a buddy from way back when as if it were yesterday, or having a date with my wife (that's me, not you), or any number of the countless decisive moments that help us decide whether or not we're happy to be here or wallowing in self pity.

If I keep going this will turn into a treacly greeting card, so I'll quit while I'm ahead.


RayMan AKA StingRay said...

I've been using Verizon FIOS for over a year or maybe more, and have not had any problems. Every now and then I need to reboot my router, but never any probs with internet connection. When I had comcast I would get dropped at least twice a day, which is why I will never use any of their products.

John(ny) said...

Ray--I'm getting FIOS for home, too and I've heard it's no big deal.

Verizon finally sent out a DSL tech (instead of the phone techs they had sent previously and they solved the problem in minutes...6 days later.

The torrent of emails was manageable, as about half of them seemed like MABRA mail.....
