Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sad anniversary

I was cleaning out my garage yesterday and wrapping up some final trim work with Hank, the contractor, when I saw some rare activity across the street.  Our neighbors who had left their house mysteriously a couple of months ago were getting their mail and checking up on some things.

I ran across the street to greet them.  We exchanged warm hugs, handshakes, and Christmas greetings.  I asked them where they went, and what's been up, knowing that the answer was directly related to the tragedy they experienced last year.  As Laura started to speak I could tell that the words were not coming easily, so I told her to say no more and we redirected the conversation.  David is working at Dulles Airport now, so they've moved to be closer to family and work.  Their grief is still raw, and staying in that house is no longer an option.  We exchanged phone numbers and promised to keep in touch, but after they sell the house I'm afraid we won't see them again, as we're a part of that sad memory too.


JAA said...

Johnny, My heart stopped when I read this post and the related one.....I can't imagine. And you did the right thing, as well as capture what inevitably will happen. The circle of life.

John(ny) said...

I'll miss them, for sure.