Monday, October 6, 2008

Don't eat spicy Thai food for breakfast.

What is the deal with the UPS ad campaign, the whole "Whiteboard" scheme, with mullet boy pitching their wares?  As far as seven heads go, this may be more of an elongated pageboy cut.  Regardless it's ugly, and memorable.  Certainly successful in that regard.

MNF is on in the background, and it's mellow in the house tonight.  Yesterday while the 'Skins were flaying the Eagles (YEEHAW) the game was on in the background while we installed a beam into the new opening, did more demo, framed the peninsula wall, and traced and reconfigured all of the 1950's era and 1980's remodel era wiring through the kitchen and dining room.  I use "we" in the royal sense, as I was a glorified laborer amongst real pros.   Hank the contractor is a true craftsman, an amazing magician with tools, always working, always moving forward.  My brother in law Bob is a meticulous electrician, also hard-working and efficient.  By watching and observing their ethic I'm able to continue to shape mine.  In addition, despite the small talk and banter that accompanies these all-encompassing tasks we seemed to work well enough together to not have "pass me the tape" or "grab this end" be part of the conversation.  Much of this was unspoken and the work went smoothly.

What wasn't going smoothly was the tempest in my intestines (2nd Sunday in a row now) which I think was bought on by the lingering bug in the house as well as the Thai Basil Chicken (with extra hot peppers) that I had for breakfast before everyone arrived.  Good thing I didn't ride.  By the time I retired for the evening the full blown chills and cramping was underway, and when I closed my eyes under the 3 quilts that I crawled under all I could see was a psychedelic millieu of vibrating color.  This did not bode for a good night's sleep.

Needless to say I cut short my day at work after my son's school called me around mid-day and told me that my son was sick.  After picking him up I laid down to "rest my eyes" and next thing I knew it was 4:30 PM.   I guess the rusty chassis is trying to tell me something...

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