...is now over. And what a great spectacle it has been. The image of CSC on the podium, with the Norwegian champ, Danish champ, Luxebourgian champ (Schleck 1), White Jersey (Schleck 2), Yellow Jersey, and the 4 others in regular kits (Stewie, Fabian, Jens, and I don't remember who) was a site to behold, as the TEAM got them there. Hopefully the other shoe will not fall this year and we can have a clean result. At least I won't see that dopey Bacardi commercial 4 times an hour anymore. Mojitos are boring. The real rum drink is the classic Cuba Libre.
Another tour this morning of the Silver Spring Weekend Warrior (SSWW) scene yielded the following observations, as I made my way from the 'cross workout to the end of the BP ride:
A bunch of guys prancing around the fields at Takoma Park MS and its environs on bikes practicing for the upcoming HupHup season. I was one of them, and was late due to an infusion of good food and drink at our sprawling manse on Saturday. So I was gasping for air early and my comrades suffered me gladly, as they are good fellows.
Runners on the path that circumscribes these fields, getting in their private workouts and doing intervals. Also gasping, but seeming to enjoy it.
The Sunday morning softball teams setting up for their final games. I saw a colleague from work who was prepping for a doubleheader. Softball--what's not to like?
Cyclists of all types on Beach Drive. Roadies, triathletes, cruisers, recumbents, phreds, poseurs, you name it. Just out there having a good time.
The Candy Cane City soccer fields are always featuring games with the local teams, pretty much all year long. Soccer--the beautiful game. Need I say more.
So this Tour de SSWW made me realize once again just how cool it is to have the opportunity to get out there and swing a leg over a bike or swing a bat or [insert cliche here] and escape the mundane for a few hours. Hanging out with friends, clearing the head, and just being outside.
Transitional phrase to move the narrative into a description of the previous day's events is currently not available.
So we had a bunch of neighborhood friends over for a meat grilling and beer swilling shindig on Saturday. A great time was had by all (we figured that about 60 people were enjoying the day) except for Nicholas, who challenged the shack to a duel and lost. Seems that his attempt to vault onto the platform from the ground (despite a running start) did not meet with the shack's approval and he found himself on the ground with his left arm gruesomely twisted behind him. Broke his wrist (both bones, but no protrusion through skin). He and his parents made off to the emergency room like bandits. Despite this injury and Noah's mom getting nailed in the side of the head with a football, there were no other calamities to report, except for the ruthless pummeling of all food and drink offered. This was a great time, and we'll have to make it a regular event once again.
Other than that the previous week went swimmingly, with work getting in the way of all kinds of fun. One day I'll describe my friend Tchad's encounter with some crown vetch after his leg seized on him so viciously at the end of our Saturday ride that he couldn't get up.
Actually, that's pretty much the story.
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