Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

A few weeks ago I wrote about my grandmother, who was dying.

She is now free, as of 12:30 this afternoon on July 4.  She took a nap after breakfast, and now rests peacefully.

I told my kids that it is a rarity to know a great grandparent, even moreso to grow taller than she.  They were lucky to know her as well as they did, as were the rest of us.

Mary Pierina Maisto, 1913-2008.


RayMan AKA StingRay said...

Sorry to hear about your grandma.
My thoughts are with you.

John(ny) said...

Thanks Ray...she was one tough little Italian lady!


Frogman said...

Let me share my condolences. I am sure she was proud to have left such a fine family.


hfang said...


Sorry to hear about your loss. The great thing is that your children did get to know her and will always remember those experiences though out their lives.
