I don't have a goofy pic of the OTHER John, so this will have to do. Heard you (which John? or both Johns?) ran into my bro in law and sister in law at Homecoming and caught up. Hope you had a great time--my 20th was a memorable blast.
By the way, the above pic comes courtesy of the Shamrock Mafia, all of whom are busy scanning incriminating and embarassing information to disseminate via the interwebs...
Hedabuta Hedabuta. Apparently your brother in law talks too much. You might want to let him know that the two Johns you speak of are both from Jersey and have people who take care of people who talk too much. You might also want to remind your old roommate since he has to be the source of the photo. I will clue you in on a little known fact about this photo. It was actually a headshot that was submitted to the producers of a proposed live-action Hair Bear Bunch traveling show.
Good one! Actually the source of the photo is my roommate's roommate from HIS freshman year, who now lives out west. Speaking of Jersey, I'm suffering enough watching the Cherry Hill Eagles beat up on my Skinnies.
I'm still not getting the "Hedabuta Hedabuta" reference. Hum a few bars, if you will.
Hedabuta hedabuta. If you remember the Uncle Louie stories that GB used to tell that is how he started every sentence that Uncle Louie uttered (he was senile - UL not GB). As far as Cherry Hill goes, South Jersey is not Jersey. Down there they also pronounce the team name as Iggles. I'm in the process of digging up some embarassing pictures of you.
Had dinner with GB just last week. He lives in Philly now with Emily, and is doing well.
Uncle Louie told me I wouldn't like the picture, and he was right. Quite a low blow John(ny)...it leads to only one question, where the hell did you get it? My God, we all thought Phil was weird for holding on to old newspapers and collecting plastic cups. Someone is way beyond that. Not only did they save a 25 year old application for a food handlers license (for some unknown reason), but their filing system was advanced enough that they could find it, scan it and send it to you within 48 hours of Uncle Louie's first post. This guy needs to get out more!!
On second thought, I kind of looked good with the 'fro.
An amazing coincidence, actually, and had nothing to do with Uncle Louie's post. Lately the Dupont 2nd West boys of 1983 (class of '87) have been digging this stuff up and this happened to be one of them. I think it was Pond who sent this out, and nobody else besides me and Jonathan (and Pond) knew who you were.
This has been great for the blog traffic. I think you two doubled my readership, so THANKS!
A klassik shot, though. Hope it jogged some memories. Great times at your 20th???
Is this pic on the 10/29 post John Pfisterer from TRN, NJ?
Picture resembles "little brother" Dave. If so, I was in Dave's class ('87).
Found this blog after doing the DCCX
3/4 35+.
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