Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Skim coat

One more layer of mud is all I need before getting to paint this thing. The bathroom that just won't end actually has a light at the end of its tunnel. Nothing like the pressure of a shindig at our place this Saturday eve to kick me into subcontractor mode. It's not like our half-finished family room isn't hillbilly enough--at least the bathroom will have all of its pieces and parts painted and trimmed...for the most part.

Kind of like the situation at work lately. Lots of things half done, not quite finished, and since there is little work on the horizon it seems that finishing projects translates into looking down the steep precipice of who knows what. But we gotta finish to send out invoices, so the machine trudges along.

Sad news from one of my friends in architecture school. One of our profs succumbed to brain cancer after battling the cancer that had started in his lungs. This guy was quite cerebral, entertaining, imposing, and quirky, qualities that I always admired. He taught theory and was a great critic, always intertwining Italian modernism and Renaissance/Baroque architecture, among other things, when commenting on the dreck that we presented to him as we stumbled along, learning in lurches. I'll always appreciate his discussion of the "moment" on a facade, that instant when the composition finds its balance, is inevitable, and just right. But even more memorable is the mundane moment at the Circuit City, when the salesman was showing him just how vibrant this TV was, he interrupted him and said "I don't care what it looks like when it's on. I only care what it looks like when it's off."

RIP, Tom Schumacher.

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