Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Exotic places

So I'm standing in the elevator on my way up to my office this morning and the group of people in there with me are chattering about their Thanksgiving plans. One of the women will be spending the turkey day here and then will go to Ecuador to hang out, do day trips and stand on the equator. As the doors are closing behind me I overhear "I've never been anywhere, like...exotic".

That's a sentiment that's probably shared by so many people, which is probably why the cruise line business is so popular.

My dad was in the Foreign Service, so I did get to see lots of exotic places. I consider myself lucky that way, though I've always been envious of those that have roots in one place. We traveled so much that when K and I got married we made a conscious decision NOT to move around so much (except for the 3 moves in 3 years around Silver Spring and Kensington, but that's another story), as she comes from a military family (her dad served in the Army). So we established ourselves in one place, and maybe we'll travel a lot again when the kids fly the coop and move all over the world. That is, when I'm not riding my bike.
Speaking of which, I usually (read: almost always) don't ride on Mondays, taking it as a real rest day since I weekend warrior through the previous 2 days. So Tuesday I start again, and I will do intervals on the trainer for an hour or so, since there ain't no daylight to ride in...

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