Thursday, November 5, 2009

Next blog

Every once in awhile while I'm noodlin' around I'll hit the Next Blog button at the top of the page and drop into someone else's world, if only for a few seconds, just to get a taste of what's out there.

Flipping through the pages at not quite Coverflow speed on iTunes, just enough to see the general subject at hand, a photo, or the language it's written in.

Sometimes this linear meandering ends abruptly, as the Next Blog button disappears.

Other times it moves along briskly, and you realize one cannot scratch the surface of the surface of the 10,000 new weblogs that are generated DAILY. Not that you would want to.

One more thing. Not to end on a bummer note, but the mother of a friend of a friend is losing her battle with cancer this week. I don't know the friend or his mother, but I'm familiar with their story, and my friend is going to be with them on this sad weekend. So my thoughts are with them.

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