Sunday, August 30, 2009

Derek and Eric

The group ride thing has not been a high priority lately, as my perceived lack of conditioning quickly turns such rides into more solo affairs. So instead of being on time for the traditional Saturday morning N2, I roll out at a more leisurely pace and figure I'll see who I see on the roads and maintain some sort of reasonable tempo. I'm a pretty social person, so this streak of introvertedness (introversion? introvertishness?) is somewhat strange.

Saturday turned out to be a great day, and a solid ride. One my way I met up with my friend Derek, who I haven't seen in person in a long time. I see him at least a couple of time a week on TV, though, and we became friends as I stuck with him when he had "a day without" and he returned the favor when I had a flat one time. We became familiar as one does in these group rides, learning snippets of the lives of the people around us. We caught up some, and I figure I'll see him more now that I'm back on the bike fairly regularly.

Toward the end of the ride I started chatting with Eric, a guy out on his own loop. He was pretty strong, and we talked about taking advantage of the time out on the road. He called these 2 hours on the bike "his peace". I peeled off and headed home, thinking about these old and new acquaintances, realizing that the two wheels beneath all of us were the common threads of 3 different lives and lifestyles, but that which tied us together for a few minutes on a Saturday.

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