Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Capital Cross 2009

This will be short.

I first got hooked on CX watching this race, 5 or 6 years ago. The next season I put together a 'cross rig and did Charm City and this one, and cyclocross is now the thing I do.

Unless I'm not that into it.

This past Sunday being the last race of the season (exceptin' fer Cross My Heart on Super Bowl Sunday), but that's technically "next year", I dutifully attended this one knowing that my legions of fans would be there, and who am I to disappoint? As I went to registration to get my number, I saw 2 people go down hard in the icy parking lot, riding no faster than I was walking. I sidled up to the friendly (but cold) volunteer, handed over my license, and said, with a smile, "Just put me down for DNF. It'll save everyone some time." So she told me not to sign my release and asked her fellow volunteers just how to register a known result for a registrant who somehow could foresee this result. "Just a joke" I said. She didn't laugh, but then again she was stuck registering a bunch of certifiable loons who thought that "racing" in these "conditions" would be "fun".

The course was actually much more rideable than the parking lot, and after kitting up and pinning up I pre-rode through the muck, learned which lines to pick through corners, and familiarized myself with a course I've raced at least 3 times in the last few years, although under entirely different conditions.

It didn't do much good, as in the middle of the first lap I found myself off of the beaten track on a fast, icy section and went down, not so hard that it hurt but with such little control that I found myself oversteering every turn afterwards and being tentative in places I usually let rip. After almost going down again on a benign spot near the start/finish I just packed it in. Officially DNF, first race didn't finish this year. My mind was not willing, and in all honesty neither was the body. Here's a little taste of the fun:

Special thanks to Bill, who has been filming this fine stuff all season. My crash was almost in the same exact spot as that shown in the lower left corner at about 4:43 of the video, by the guy in blue, though I was already quite a bit behind Bill at this point. Don't quite know what I was thinking.

And of course, thanks to my friends who show up to watch us slog on through. And of course, my boys who I see on the odd Sundays in the fall--Kemal, Neil, Jeff, Paul, Jim, Steve, and everyone else. It's always a great time, even when it's not.

Next year is just around the corner...

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